Is a retired Professor of Physical Chemistry at the University of Sciences and Technology of Lille, France. He has taught physics and physical chemistry in four countries over the past fifty years and has gained industrial experience from several major laboratories in North America. His researh has included the direction of numerous theses and the publication of more than a hundred scientific papers.

His biography can be found in "Who's Who in Science and Engineering" and "Who's Who in the World".




Scientific publications


Mathematics for Chemistry and Physics

This work was written in an attempt to integrate chemistry and physics through their common mathematical basis. It is based on lecture notes written and tested over many years in several countries. The book begins with a review of elementary calculus and follows with chapters on vector analysis and differential equations. The subsequent chapters develop these concepts further and to a higher level. It presents group theory and its applications, approximation methods in quantum mechanics, integral transforms and numerical methods. Many references to current applications are included — in particular to help the reader understand what goes on "behind the screen" when he is peforming computer experiments.

Elsevier Academic Press, London, 2002. 408 pages.



Gas Dynamics. Theory and Applications


The kinetic theory of gases is usually included as a section in comprehensive textbooks on physical chemistry, or discussed in specialized books at a level that is too high for most students. This little book is designed as an introduction to molecular dynamics, as applied to the gas phase. It includes many current applications of the basic theory.

After a summary of the importance of molecular energies and intermolecular forces, the book is focused on applications. It provides students with answers to such questions as, "How does a LASER work?" and "What is a shock wave?"

John Wiley & Sons, Chichester, 1997. 144 pages.
ISBN 0471975737



Raman Microscopy. Developments and Applications

(Co-edited with Jacques Corset)

This is the first book devoted entirely to the subject of microscopic Raman spectroscopy. It includes an extensive description of the instrumentation, the treatment of data and imaging, as well as a thorough account of the use of Raman microscopy in diverse applications. They are described by experts in various fields, including materials science, geology, biology, medicine, the arts and forensic science.

Elsevier Academic Press, London,1996. Reprinted 2003.
463 pages.



    Infrared and Raman Spectra of Crystals

This guide to the interpretation of the infrared and Raman spectra of solids was the first book devoted to the vibrational spectra of crystals. It opens with a review of the dynamics and symmetry of molecular vibrations and introduces the matrix formulation that is used throughout the book. Following, is an examination of the dynamics of crystal lattices that provides the crystallographic basis for the interpretation of the vibrational spectra. The final chapters are concerned with the applications of vibrational spectroscopy to the determination of potential constants and structures, and the study of polymer systems and doped crystals.

©Academic Press, London, 1972. 384 pages.
ISBN: 0127050507.


Other Scientific Publications

Research direction, Theses


Other books

  The Light-Blue Scarf

The narrator of this story is a talented student, who is torn between his principal interests — science and music. He chooses to do his graduate work in science in the Pacific Northewest. He eventually makes the acquaintance of a young co-ed, a brilliant pianist. He finishes his doctorate and accepts an industrial position in the New York area in the hope of a career in scientific research. His accompanist joins him and continues her studies in music. The story ends with the ultimate frustrations in their personal and professional lives.

Trafford Publishing (EU) Ltd., Ireland, Copyright ©George Turrell 2004. 120 pages.
ISBN 1412040736


Moons, Baloons and Tunes

When my mother, Frances Berry Turrell , died in 1984 she left a ring binder of yellowed sheets on which she had typed the poems that she wrote when I was a baby, in the period 1932-34. Among the pages were numerous scraps of paper with drawings that were intended to be included. They were made by G. S. Frasier, a friend of the Family in Paris, who drew them in 1933. The Family returned to the United States soon afterwards and, with the onset of the Second World War, lost all contact with him. None of this material was ever published.

Upon my retirement after many years of university teaching, I recovered the elements of the “Baby Book” and felt that others might enjoy it. I then edited the poems and copied the original drawings that I found.
I have tried to respect the format of the poems, much as my mother typed them, and have inserted the drawings as I felt she and the artist had intended.

Trafford publishing©2016,Frances Berry Turell. 121 pages.
ISBN: 9781490777689



    Imaginative Cuisine

This book is intended for those of us who love to cook — we amateurs. Directly related is that of receiving guests, preparing for a family visit, or a tête-à-tête. Clearly the cook's job is quite different in each case. The elements of a meal depend not only on the number of persons to be served, but also on the products available at each season of the year, the contents of the freezer and, finally, the family budget. If your guests' individual tastes are known, they should of course be carefully considered. The available time for shopping, preparation and eating are also important — as is the presentation. Is the meal to be in the form of a buffet, as appropriate for a large number of guests, a formal, multicourse affair "à la française", or a simple casserole — a one-dish meal? This question is fundamental when the choice is made of the dishes to be prepared. Perhaps these chapters will help to resolve some problems in the construction of a menu and will complement the traditional cookbooks. Above all, it is hoped that this book might be a source of inspiration to the imaginative amateur in the kitchen.

Trafford Publishing ©George Turrell, 2017. 147 pages.
ISBN 9781490780962



    The Snowflake

Where to go from here? What to do? The answers are often dictated by chance, sometimes by ones own ambitions - and too often by the decisions of others.
Thus it is that the future of the young scientist in this story is determined. At each juncture the die is cast. He is led to three continents with other cultures and societies, in his quest of intellectual freedom and happiness.

©George Turrell, 2016. 150 pages.
ISBN 9781490775722




Copyright George Turrell 2004